Taylor Swift Wins Court Lawsuit
hours deliberation, the jury in Swift's groping trial reached a unanimous verdict Monday: They believe Swift was groped — assaulted and battered, in the legal terminology — by ex-Denver radio DJ David Mueller in 2013. Austin Swift, left, brother of Taylor Swift enters courthouse with her publicist, Tree Paine, Aug. 14, 2017, in Denver. David Zalubowski, AP Also, the jury decided that Swift's mother, Andrea Swift, and a manager, Frank Bell, were not responsible for Mueller's firing after the encounter, that they were within their rights to contact Mueller's bosses about what Swift said happened to her during a photo op at a pre-concert meet-and-greet. The verdict by the six women and two men on the jury is a total vindication for Swift and her team, and a total loss for Mueller. The two have spent the last two years in a legal battle over their dueling civil lawsuits. The verdict comes at the end of a six-day trial in federal court in Denv...