Waiting to see how this is going to be...

It's vintage Michael Jackson. Colourful costumes, flashing lights and top-notch choreography. It is the first ever release of "Slave to the Music", a new single by Michale Jackson, the late pop icon. The video screen was apparently custom-made for the occasion; it was from ceiling to the floor, thereby creating the illusion of a live performance. This optical illusion is enhanced with live choreography from robotic figures in arnour with blinking headlights. their synchronised dancesteps with the late King of Pop added a surreal feeling that Jackson has somehow materialised from the afterlife for a performance.
The poignant moment is basically lost on the audience though as they mainly, comprise young adults with an inclination for Justin Bieber or Iggy Azaleia. Had it been the done during the Awards Season around January or February, the response would be that befitting the pop King.


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