Sequel to Mandela’s autobiography to be published in 2015 (
A sequel to the late Nelson’s Mandela’s autobiography “The Long Walk to Freedom” is to be published in South Africa next year, the former president’s foundation said Wednesday.
The book titled “The Presidential Years”, which Mandela began writing in 1998, will be based on his five years in office.
He had already drafted 10 chapters “when he finally ran out of steam” in 2002, said the foundation which has released a handwritten manuscript of the opening sentences of the book.
“The book will be based on the 10 chapters written by Mandela himself,” Danielle Melville, the spokeswoman for the Nelson Mandela Foundation, told AFP.
She did not say who has been brought in to finish the book.
The foundation, which oversees the legacy of South Africa’s first black president said it had “embarked on a project to see the completion of ‘The Presidential Years’ as an authorised account of Mr. Mandela’s presidency.”