US Forces Are Witch-hunting Trump, Going By Yesterday's Ruling (Foreign)


US Pres. Trump in defendant's dock in court

The angst of liberal America over yesterday's landmark & unprecedented ruling on President Donald Trump's case is creating buzz worldwide over its implications for American politics, global politics and the field of law forever.

The American Supreme Court ruled, July 2, that the actions of a president while in office is immune from prosecution, especially after leaving office.

Many question if there is no "witch-hunt" against Trump as he often says. This is because there have recorded infractions by US presidents before Trump but none faced the level of decadence that his trial has generated among liberal Americans. 

Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal, Ronald Reagan and Iran-Contra debacle easily come to mind. And if it's argued that those are equally Republicans who are always found wanting like Trump, not Democrats. What about John F. Kennedy and Bay of Pigs disgraced illegal attempted invasion of Cuba? 

Karl Rove was jailed for his role in the infamous expose of Valerie Plame, a CIA officer whose cover was blown intentionally as distribution for her husband Ambassador Joe Wilson's scathing ctiticisms o the second Iraqi war. 

And also, for his involvement in cooking up the now blown open lie that Saddam Hussein purchased of uranium from Niger Republic for nuclear weapons production. That's the pretext America used to invade Iraq again. It was a lie. George Bush jnr. who approved this decision was never indicted. 

It can be argued that these examples occurred during policy fiascos which other officials were masterminds. But when Bill Clinton, was indicted by a grand jury for sexual infractions while in office, especially with Monica Lewinsky inside the sacred Oval Office, he faced great sympathetic press. Many Americans even saw the abused accusers as Delilahs. 

This is no commendation of some of his allegations, but astute political observers believe the situation is being orchestrated to keep Trump from contesting the forthcoming November elections. For not just him, but a long list of atrocities have been done by US presidents down the ages, and the conventional thing done is deliberate concealments of these to preserve America's democratic legacy. Even when no law backed that silent agreement.

So why now? Why now when Trump is wolfishly stronger in ratings and hitherto strong performance record against a lacklustre and underperforming President Joe Biden, the Democrats candidate, and looks likely to trump Biden if he ends up contesting against the incumbent. Therefore, the present legal debacle. is viewed as a stop mechanism against Trump by vested interests.


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